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We shape and perfect intelligent, trusted technology solutions to drive innovation in businesses, both large and small, to optimise healthcare delivery at every level.

Our Solutions

Spesnet Digital Healthcare Eco-system Solutions

Digital Healthcare Eco‑Systems

These include

  • Centralised electronic health records
  • Electronic health exchange with built-in intelligence layers
  • Risk Management engines
  • Insurer and Administration management systems enabling interoperability
  • Workman’s Compensation claims and Billing Management solutions
  • Financial and Clinical Risk Management solutions for healthcare providers and facilities



Hospital, Pharmacy, and Clinic Management Systems

Hospital, Pharmacy, and Clinic Management Systems

  • Integrated approach to centralised management of your healthcare facilities
  • Ensuring interoperability
  • Real-time financial and clinical risk solutions designed specifically for healthcare
  • Integrated healthcare coding and rules to enable optimal revenue generation and collection



Funder Management Systems

Funder Management Systems

SpesNet is uniquely positioned in the Healthcare eco-system, as we offer technology solutions across the board to all parties.

We have an intimate understanding of the full Healthcare eco-system, enabling us to ensure that patient care, and  effective, intuitive administration is fully enabled throughout the patient journey.

The solutions which SpesNet has on offer, is deployed in a modular fashion, enabling a significant increase in ease of, and speed to deployment of innovation, covering all typical administrator system functions.

Spesnet Billing Systems

Billing Systems

Real-time financial and clinical risk management solutions designed for healthcare providers including:

  • Medical Specialists
  • Allied Healthcare Professionals
  • General Practitioners/Family Practitioners



Membership Management

Membership Management

  • Through the use of the latest technology and business-informed design, we offer market leading Membership Management systems
  • Understanding the market dynamics within healthcare, we are able to design appropriate solutions for your needs
  • Clients range from associations and societies to national regulatory bodies
  • Bespoke, customised and integrated solutions, to meet the industry and client-specific and unique requirements
  • Empowering member self-help, as well as the office administration processes relating to membership management


Healthcare Risk Waste Solutions

Healthcare Risk Waste Management Solutions

The core focus of Tech4Green is on Healthcare Risk Waste Management and includes the provision of alternative technologies that can be used for on-site waste sterilisation to significantly reduce cost.

We also offer accredited training on the management of Healthcare Risk Waste, across all levels of your organisation.

About Us

SpesNet provides leading-edge healthcare solutions for healthcare providers, medical insurers, administrators and managed care organisations using a combination of technology solutions, healthcare intelligence and artificial intelligence. Our consultative approach ensures the progressive perfection of highly customised, trusted solutions that are tailored to the needs of each individual client.

It is our goal to alleviate the burden of high healthcare costs on communities, while improving the quality of administrative and clinical outcomes, as well as the overall patient experience.

Using intelligent healthcare solutions and highly advanced technologies we innovate, disrupt and transform healthcare administration.


It's the possibility of having a dream come true
that makes life interesting.

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

The Group

SpesNet, a company with its roots in healthcare intelligence, was founded in 2002. Since then it has evolved into a Group with a global presence. 

As the Group grew so too did the skills and experience of its people, who are focused on combining technology, innovation, healthcare intelligence and big data to provide clients with customised solutions designed to optimise the delivery of healthcare.

The SpesNet solution aims to alleviate the burden of high healthcare costs on communities, while improving the quality of administrative and clinical outcomes, as well as the overall patient experience.

The Tech4Group, which forms part of the SpesNet Group, provides a range of patient care offerings and healthcare infrastructure technologies. Services are currently focused on our specialised healthcare risk waste management solutions, which use sophisticated on-site treatment technology.

The SpesNet Global Group currently has offices in Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia, Philippines and the United States.

Our reason for being

We are committed to changing people’s lives for the better by playing our part in bringing about the delivery of high-quality healthcare services and tailor-made solutions that are convenient, accessible and affordable.

Our philosophy of ‘Healthcare Innovation Applied’ is enabled through:

  • Solution consultation and design
  • Clinical coding
  • Case management
  • Technology development and engineering
  • Clinical care
  • Healthcare training and skills development through DUX Academy of Healthcare

Trusted technological solutions for the healthcare industry

The Technology

Companies within the SpesNet Group are technologically focused to enable and improve processes throughout the healthcare value-chain.

We have established a reputation for mastering complex clinical coding and developing information technology systems to assist organisations across the globe to streamline their processes and achieve enhanced efficiencies.

SpesNet’s real-time solutions are known for being customised, robust and scalable. Our agnostic plug and play solutions are beneficial to all stakeholders within the greater healthcare landscape and are tried and tested in highly complex environments where they can comfortably manage multiple insurer and provider rules simultaneously within a paperless environment.


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